Julia Ewart
Your Liberal Democrat Candidate
This Thursday, the voters of Suffolk Coastal have a unique political opportunity for this coming general election.
You have the chance to make a significant change in how you are represented.
Many of you are dismayed by 14 years of Conservative rule and have lost confidence in Dr. Coffey, choosing not to re-elect her.
A significant majority also hesitate to support a Labour Party whose appeal seems based solely on not being the Conservatives.
Neither option serves you well.
I am best placed, with strong campaign momentum, to be your next MP.
I am local. I’ve raised my family and run a business here. I am a local Councillor, winning a seat in a previously safe Conservative area. I am invested in our community and have been advocating for you since before the 2019 general election, where I was pleased to double my vote.
Suffolk Coastal faces significant challenges: from underfunded SEND provision to poor rural transport, filthy rivers & major energy infrastructure projects. We have been left behind under Dr. Coffey and the Conservatives.
Please check my social media feeds for my evolving thoughts and contact me if you need clarification before voting.
I’ll do my best to help.

As your new MP, I will have two constituency offices in Saxmundham and Felixstowe, and I will advocate for every one of you, whether you vote for me or not.
Please remember: Labour has little infrastructure in Suffolk Coastal, with only three Councillors, all in one town. Despite their national position, they have little local strength and are unlikely to run Coastal after Thursday, basing their campaign on national polling that overlooks local factors.
Their candidate has said little about herself, relying solely on national messaging.
I will be your local champion, your next MP. This Thursday, I invite you to vote for me. Together, we will build a better, brighter future

Strong Performer
An effective media performer and public speaker, Julia has been called upon to be on TV and radio many times. She has delivered speeches at events, public meetings and throughout GE 2019.

Local District Champion
Julia is a strong grass-roots activist who came to mainstream politics to ensure that much more was done for the community she supports.

Experienced Campaigner
Julia understands the need to campaign all year round, in preparation for Local and General Elections.
Julia is a winner!
In every election Julia uses her team building experience, significantly increases the membership, develops a revenue stream and enhances Local Party commitment.
In GE19 Candidate Julia delivered an 8% swing to the Liberal Democrats and more than doubled the party vote.

“Let’s be frank, many Suffolk residents, particularly women, are
poised to shift their vote to deliver wholesale political change Winning will ALL be about personality over party.“

“Trust worthy. Understanding. Visible. All key characteristics required to win!”

