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Julia Ewart portrait

Being a Liberal Democrat

My beliefs, principles and values

Julia Ewart Signature



I recognize the significance of taking action both domestically and globally to foster ecologically sustainable methods of production and consumption

This as well as living in symbiosis with the natural world. I deeply appreciate the importance of promoting and practicing environmentally friendly approaches in our day-to-day lives and on a broader scale.

Julia Ewart Environmentalism


I believe in the right of individuals to make their own decisions about how they live their lives, as long as they do not cause harm to others.

My aim is to empower and support individuals to pursue their dreams, to make the most of their talents and to live their lives as they wish, as one of the key values of being a Liberal Democrat.

Julia Ewart Liberty
Julia Ewart Equality


I stand by the idea that without equality, true liberty cannot be realised.

This requires an active state to: ensure that no one is held back by poverty, poor health, or discrimination, including on the basis of personal characteristics or beliefs; provide access to education or training, and other public services, including a welfare safety net; and guarantee that everyone enjoys equality before the law.


I understand that through democracy, every citizen is empowered to make their voice heard

Without being dominated by entrenched interests or the power of money; checks and balances, so that those in power cannot abuse their positions for personal gain or political advantage; and a plurality of views, where no individual or organisation is deterred from speaking truth to power.

Julia Ewart Democracy
Julia Ewart Community


I believe it is important to provide support for a diverse range of organisations

This enables individuals to join together in the pursuit of common goals or activities; and the decentralisation of political and economic power to local government and the nations and regions of the UK.

Human Rights

Upholding these values of individual and social justice, I reject all prejudice and discrimination

Discrimination based upon race, ethnicity, caste, heritage, class, religion or belief, age, disability, sex, gender identity or sexual orientation and oppose all forms of entrenched privilege and inequality.

Julia Ewart Human Rights
Julia Ewart Internationalism


I support a fairer and more equal, tolerant and connected world and collaboration with the UK’s neighbours

This including, ultimately, rejoining the EU – in guaranteeing peace and security, tackling the climate and nature emergencies, standing up to corporate power and spreading prosperity around the world.